Faculty & Staff


Alexandra Ramos
Special Education Teacher
Ana Brea
Spanish Teacher, Upper School – Curriculum Team Leader
Andrew McCulloch
English Teacher, Upper School
Anna Kogos
Multilingual Learning Director
Ashley Springett
Dance & Fitness Teacher
Benjamin Petrides
English Teacher, 7th Grade
Brendan Douglass
College Counselor
Brian Cutler
Spanish Teacher, Upper School
Bryan Lee
Health and PE Teacher
Cami Hennekens
Science & Chemistry Teacher Upper School
Erica Klag
Director of Food Services
Katherine Harvey, M.S.N, R.N.
Kimberly Luck
History Teacher, Upper School and 9th Grade Form Leader
Laura Pollock
History Teacher, Upper School
Leni De los Santos
Special Projects Manager
Lisa Wallace
English Teacher, 6th Grade
Lydia Rice
Mathematics, Upper School
Magnolia Acosta
Administrative Assistant and Admissions Coordinator
Megan Franco
Upper School Principal
Melissa Lassen
Director of College Counseling and Postsecondary Success
Meredith Wishart
Director of Special Education
Robert Pelletier
History Teacher, Upper School – Curriculum Team Leader
Sierra Archer
College Counselor
Stephanie Callahan
Executive Director
Susana Sinclair
Director of Teacher Development and Curriculum