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The lottery enrollment deadline for the 2025-26 school year has passed. Our enrollment lottery took place on Wednesday, March 5th, 2025. Click the link below to view the results


If you are interested in Salem Academy but did not submit an application by the February 26th deadline, please email [email protected] to let us know.

Salem Academy Charter School Enrollment Policy

About Salem Academy

Salem Academy Charter School is an independent, public, college preparatory school serving 480 students in grades six through twelve. Through a unique integration of college preparatory classes with service to the community, Salem Academy graduates informed, articulate, and proactive individuals of strong character. Ranked the Best Charter School in Boston by Boston Magazine in Fall 2012, and the 5th Best High School in Massachusetts by U.S. News and World Report in Spring 2013.

Salem Academy Charter School welcomes all students regardless of academic proficiency, special needs, English language development, or any other factors that may put students at risk of success. There is no tuition, and enrollment is open to all on a lottery basis as space permits. Preference is given to siblings of currently attending students, Salem residents, and then non-Salem residents.

Founded to serve the diverse population of Salem, Salem Academy Charter School’s population is 47% white, 34% Hispanic, 12% African American, 5 % Asian; and 1.5% multi-racial. This school community includes Christian, Jewish, and Muslim students; and it includes gay, straight, and bisexual students. Salem Academy Charter School has set a priority on the creation of a school culture that celebrates diversity, supports learning, applauds success, and guarantees the physical, psychological, and emotional safety of its students. Salem Academy believes that every student is capable of success when held to high expectations and provided with structure, support, and consistency.

Salem Academy offers a standards-based, college preparatory academic program enhanced by honors level and Advanced Placement courses in the Upper School. Academic prep learning center classes are provided for small groups of students who need extra help in specific subject areas. An extensive special education program supports students with Individualized Education Plans, and the academic staff includes licensed multilingual learner (ML) teachers. Classroom teachers are required to have an SEI endorsement as well. Art, music, physical education, and health are required elements of the program. Salem Academy competes in the Massachusetts Charter School Athletic Organization and supports a variety of extracurricular and after-school activities.

Salem Academy is located in Shetland Park, convenient to the residential Point Neighborhood and to the attractions of Pickering Wharf and the historic downtown area. An extended day and extended year allow for a full schedule of academic classes, enrichment programs, and the school’s signature Service Learning programs engaging students in structured community service projects that apply academic pursuit to actual practice.

With a track record of impressive growth, demonstrated success, high MCAS scores, and financial viability, Salem Academy is pleased to be a school of choice in Salem.

Salem Academy Charter School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, creed, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, pregnancy or parenting status, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, homelessness, socioeconomic status, academic status, mental, physical, developmental or sensory disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in English language or foreign language, or any other class of individuals protected from discrimination under state or federal law in any aspect of the access to, admissions, or treatment of students in its programs and activities, or in employment and application for employment. Academy’s policy includes prohibitions of harassment of students and employees, i.e., racial harassment, sexual harassment, and retaliation for filing complaints of discrimination.